The Best Plumbers in NY!

Plumbing Schools in New York City

Plumbing is not just a random job that an individual can make in his spare time to make some money, as it was thought for a long time in the past. It is common to find reference of the stereotyped presence of a plumber in our lives; usually a short-fat or thin-tall individual wearing a one-piece overall. Perhaps the Mario Bros game is the best reference for a stereotype that portrays plumbers as people with certain technical knowledge, but far from attending plumbing schools in New York City to earn a professional degree to support their activity.

Real life plumbers are qualified technicians with formal education in different fields of expertise. In fact, this is not a new trend but a long time goal that union trades and plumbing associations began to pursue over a century ago, when the UA Local 1 was established in the late 19th century. This United Association comprises the plumbers of New York City and is the model to follow for many plumbing schools in New York City. The UA Local Union Number One Training Center is in fact one of the places to go for plumbing qualification, which is offered to their members. Among the plumbing courses available here, the five-year apprenticeship program, a New York State registered program, is one of the most accredited programs in this field, although the UA also offers Journeyman training, and other certification courses including a training for MES Division Helpers.

Finding Plumbing Schools in New York City

Although some college careers may include technical plumbing formation, such as engineering and architecture, there are actually many plumbing schools in New York City, from where many skilled plumbers and plumbing technicians graduate every year. Some of these schools include the following:

  • Mechanics' Institute.- This school offers courses and educational programs on plumbing, plumbing design, heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, electrical maintenance, electrical technology and HVAC.
  • IMTI-Industrial Management of Training Institute.- At this institute there are regular programs that include education on plumbing, heating, refrigeration, air conditioning and electrical installation, but also intensive plumbing and electrical hands-on training, EPA certification, and apprenticeship training on HVAC/R.
  • Berk Trade and Business School.- Specialized in electrical an plumbing programs, this is one of the plumbing schools in New York City that offers a Comprehensive Plumbing Certificate, besides a 600-hour accredited program (100-hour non-accredited) for plumbing helpers for both residential and commercial areas.

More on Plumbing Schools in New York City

Graduates from plumbing schools in New York City are highly skilled licensed professionals that can handle efficiently any plumbing and plumbing-related task, getting hired by important companies in this field, or become independent contractors. Within a plumbing career, an individual can specialize in certain area to become either general plumbers, steamfitters, pipe layers, sprink fitters, pipe fitters, among other activities related to this industry.

Actually it is very easy to do an online search to find a plumbing school in New York City, traditional newspapers and the yellow pages book are useful aids to find educational institutions around your area, as well as further details on their courses.

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